This is a complete video of the George Mason University (GMU) dance competition from six years ago. This is a more intense look into the dances of other countries around the world that are represented at our university. We can learn about a person or their homeland by the dances represented and the traditional attire worn during the performances. Being able to see the dances like this give us the traditional feeling like we were seeing this in the home country that it would originally take place. Seeing something as simple as a dance and how different it is all over the world shows us how diverse our planet and our campus is. We are able to see these students in our classes and across campus but we do not realize the diversity until it is fully shown to us during International Week events such as this. Although this dance competition is from six years ago it is just like the one that happens every year to display this different countries of students.


GMULife Tech Integration. (April 25, 2010) George Mason University International Week Dance Competition Chapter 2. [Video File]. Retrieved From